Check out what we've been up to this month
The May show has been moved to Sunday May 7, 2017!
Hunter and Jumper Schooling Show Prize lists are available here!
Best Sportsmanship

Elizabeth LoFrese was given the best sportsmanship award at the March 19th Jumper Show. At Rosewood Farm we believe that the most important part of any show are the people that make it a positive place for all. Thanks for showing us how it is done Elizabeth!
What awards would you like to see at the next Rosewood Farm Show?
Email your ideas to: info.rosewoodfarm@gmail.com
Summer Camp is coming!

Rosewood Farm offers summer camp for multiple levels of riding. This will be the second year that we have a “show” camp that prepares the riders for a Rosewood Farm Schooling Show. If your are interested sign up fast because this camp filled quickly last year. More information and the application for Rosewood Farm’s summer camps can be found by clicking here.

At our May show we will be searching for the best parent of the day. Does your parent help you get ready? Bring you food and drinks? Let's appreciate them for all they do! Vote for your most helpful parent at the office or the in-gate!
2017 Show Calendar
February 25
9:00 am
March 19
9:00 am
May 7
8:00 am
June 3
9:00 am
August 19
October 21
9:00 am
December 9
9:00 am
May 7
(Combined with Jumpers at Rosewood)
- Will not start before noon
June 24
(Starberry Acres)
August 19
(Combined with Jumpers at Rosewood)
-Will not start before noon
September 9
(Starberry Acres)
December 16
(Starberry Acres)
Want to be featured in our newsletter? Email: info.rosewoodfarm@gmail.com
Like us on Facebook - Don’t Forget to tag @rosewoodfarm when you post your show pictures!